Thursday, May 31, 2007

planning stuff

Today, I met with my VP and we got alot accomplished. We realize we are great at coming up with ideas...really great ones. We've single-handedly revamped one of our main events for the fall, giving it new life, a new look, and some new events. Now, just because we come up with all these great ideas doesn't mean they're all doable. But, we'll do our darndest to get them done. AND, not waiting until 4 weeks before the event may actually give this stuff a snowball's chance in Kentucky of getting done. (See a snowball might actually make it in Kentucky - hence my changing of the usual phrase "snowball's chance in hades - get it? oh, i crack me up)

I plan on meeting with each of my board members to get their ideas on their particular events and responsibilities. Just a little something I call one on oneism, or individual attention. And who doesn't love a little attention?

I've said it before, not on here I think but I have, I think this year is going to ROCK! We have some great people on this board and I can't wait to see them in action.

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