Thursday, May 24, 2007

The reign begins

On the eve of the eve of my becoming the President of the PTO of a school that will remain nameless, to protect the innocent, I thought I would share how it came to be that I am president. Because I consider myself a "reluctant ruler".

In the last fifteen minutes, of the last day that self-nominations could be turned in, I was on my way to submit my application for "hospitality chair" (or something else should that one already have lots of people running for it). When I got to the door, I ran into the Secretary of the PTO for this year. I asked how things were going, were there lots of applications for PTO? "One" she said. She told me that the only office that had an application turned in was Treasurer. And, according to her, we have to have a president in order to have a PTO and we HAVE to have a PTO in order for this school to function. Silly me, I said "what can I do to help"? She, of course, said "run for President". Of course, in retrospect I see why I wasn't expecting that answer.

I have never even been on a PTO board or any other board for that matter (well, except a diving board but I don't think that applies here). Never in my life would I have expected someone to think I was capable of running for PTO president, much less win, even much lesser, be able to fulfill the duties of the office.

So, against what little judgement I had at the time (we were going through a death in the family at the time, one I was involved with, as in making decisions, etc.) I turned in the lamest application for President ever known to man. If I remember, I will see if our esteemed Principal will let me make a copy of it for posterity sake and I will share with you some of my answers.

Said esteemed Principal, when he saw me the next day, said I was looking particularly lovely. I was still numb from "death-watch" so it didn't occur to me what he was all about. Then about an hour or so later I got a call from him and he said something to the effect of - "I am assuming you would vote for yourself in the election"? I hesitantly said "well, I guess so". He said "your the new PTO President". Can you say "ton of bricks bouncing off your head"?

The enormity of the situation is only just now starting to sink in and it's been 2 months since that phone call.

In this blog, I will chronicle my exciting tenure as President of the PTO at a certain fantastic school. Good decisions, bad decisions (I hope there is more of the former than latter) maybe some scoopage? Who knows?

I will go into the rest of the board tomorrow, the eve of the beginning of my reign of terror, I mean, my Presidential reign.

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