Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Plumbers group

Wow, a whole 5 days into the presidency and I've only made people mad when I wasn't the president. Hmmm, what am I doing wrong?

We sent out a note to let parents know what would be going on during the summer (because we, unlike any other board) actually wanted to do something in the summer. We're having 2 seperate activities for the children to participate in (I won't go into them, lest I give myself away). But, because we weren't the board "officially" we stepped on some toes doing this simple informative act. Who knew? Well, they can kiss my information.

I think I also might have mentioned that our budget meetings wouldn't last 4 hours like theirs did. Hmmm, that really ruffled feathers. Although, now, I wish I had written down who I said that to because that would give me my leak. Maybe I need a "plumbers group" to find the leak.

We have our first "unofficial discussion" time next Wednesday. How exciting. We'll see if we're all really going to get along or if it's just my delusions of grandeur that say we will.

Time will tell.

Check in later for more confessions!

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