Friday, May 25, 2007

The board

So, since no one ran for any position on the board other than Treasurer and President, I got to choose who I wanted on the board. I was advised to be careful, that some people may say "she chose her friends to be on the board". I immediately said "then those people should have run". Of course I am going to choose people I know to serve with me.

My VP is a hard-working, fun-loving, like-minded (with me) person and I am already enjoying working with her.

I chose the community service person first because it was so obvious to me who should do it and luckily she said yes.

Hospitality, I only knew her a little and I can't wait to get to know this person more. I think she's a great person.

Secretary, well, she just happened to be in the wrong (0r right-for me) place at a time when I really needed someone to be Secretary. But, luckily for me, she said yes. She is another one I will enjoy getting to know., I am hoping she is as good as she says she is. She didn't say she was good at fundraising but that she gives 110% to everything she does. Let's hope so.

Volunteer Coordinator. She is one of the few people who were on the board last year and she will have valuable insight. However, because most of us agreed to do this with a vision in mind that ended with things done differently than in the past, we could butt heads every now and then.

PR person is going to be great. This is a position I wouldn't have minded doing. I believe, as does she, that our name is not in the paper nearly enough. I see that changing.

I think there is a position or two I forgot but that's ok. (I'm only the president, am I supposed to remember everything?)

This board is going to be great. I say that because so far we've gotten along. We've discussed ways to do things better. We all believe in change when appropriate (and man is it appropriate now) and we've already implemented some changes. And I don't think any of us are scared. (Well, maybe I am right now, on the eve of my ascension. But, I'll be OK.)

The other day I told someone (who had told me things may not go smoothly with the principal) that maybe he was allowing us to change so much because we did volunteer, or say yes when asked to step up, and so maybe he's willing to let things change because people with a new perspective are on board.

I realize that all PTO boards are volunteer. But, in general, there are several people who would like to run for particular offices and there's an election and so on and so forth. But these ladies, in my mind, deserve high praise and kudos for saying "yes" when asked to serve. None of them wanted to enough to run. But because there was a need, they stepped up. Thank you all, ladies, you have my eternal gratitude and I only pray that I am a worthy leader.

So, in 1 hour and 25 minutes, I will be PTO President. I'm a little excited at seeing how I do. I'm a little (alot) nervous that I may cause irrepairable damage. But I also realize that we are here to make the school a better place, to help the children learn in any way we can, to help make the teachers' jobs easier, and be uniters, not dividers. If I can keep these things in focus, I think when the year is over, I'll be proud of what we've done.

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