Thursday, October 25, 2007

Too much?

When is too much too much? Is there such a thing as too much help? How about too much unsolicited help?

We have a project that should have been out weeks ago. We, mistakenly, brought it up at the Board meeting on Monday night and one of our parents said "I've got it covered, don't worry about it". Well, to me, that means "I'll take it and get it done for you". Apparently, it does not.

This morning I was greeted with "we need 4 boxes of paper" for this project. I hope they still need it, I had our "guy" go get it. I'll be most upset if it's not needed anymore. And, by the way, from the sounds of it, it may not be. We may actually pay someone to do this project which is how it should have been done in the first place.

I don't mind people doing things. I welcome it. I just don't want them taking over and then not doing it how the person who is in charge of it intended. This is the one thing this particular PTO person is in charge of and she's now very nervous. How terribly unfortunate for her that this person has decided to use this to bully her way in.

This person, while nice and well-meaning, really needs to wise up and realize she needs to be a little more delicate and careful when bulldozing her way in.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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