Sunday, November 4, 2007

The ride was a great one!

Remember I said I felt like I was strapped into a big ol' roller coaster last week? The carnival was days away and I was nervous? The carnival has come and gone and what a ride it was!

Very few hitches, most of which we did not have any control over. The food permit person never showed up to inspect, which caused panic in my otherwise all together carnival chair. And, the bounce house didn't show up on time, finally got there an hour late, which I'm sure he will pay for, if I know my carnival chair at all.

From all accounts, it was a success. Great (donated) food, extra drink and ticket booths helped ease congestion at the main chuckwagon and ticket booths. Auction baskets, a new addition this year, raised an extra $600 plus change. 2 tickets to last nights Mavericks game and 2 gift certificates (given at the last minute) helped with that number.

What a great group of voluteers: PTO, Dad's club, room mom's, faculty and staff all pitched in, in some capacity, and helped make this a rousing success.

Susan Depoy, most of all, with her great ideas and great leadership, made this carnival - yeah, I'll go out on this limb - THE BEST ONE EVER!!!!

Thank you to everyone, especially Susan, for this event.